Email Marketing for Nonprofits – Email Protocol for your Constituents

An Introduction to Email Marketing for Nonprofits:

With any nonprofit, it’s extremely important to be able to communicate and convey the mission of your organization to those interested in supporting your cause. With limited resources and the nature of nonprofit organizations, you can’t afford to bombard your contact lists with an assortment of untargeted emails. This not only overwhelms the contact, but can also leave an unpleasant impression associated with groups that constantly email contacts in an attempt to solicit donations.

In order to execute an effective communication strategy between the organization and its donors, volunteers, partners, and sponsors, you must first determine how and when you communicate with each group of individuals. The key to a successful email campaign is to create different types of emails you should be sending to your database.

Marketing for nonprofits should be a blend of a well-run machine made up of volunteers, sponsors, partners and donors. Your email campaigns should be focused around engaging those groups effectively. In this pocket guide, we’ll cover five types of emails that you should create and send to your database. Each type of email serves a very specific purpose and targets a specific audience, which will help generate an effective communication strategy within and outside of your organization.