Charity Web Marketing: Monitoring Social Media Effectively

Monitoring the social media for nonprofit’s presence is incredibly important. You need to respond to people talking about your brand and understand how people view your company. Social media isn’t this magical fairy dust that makes business leads come rushing in for your company. It’s hard work! It requires time and effort, often across multiple departments and amongst multiple employees.

This article is built to help you formulate a plan whereby in ten minutes a day, you can monitor the social media information you need within a tight, streamlined strategy. Consider it the “8 Minute Abs” of social media. How can you best take advantage of the limited time you have in a day to get the best results possible? After reading this article, you will be able to develop your own, solid routine that works for your charity web marketing.

Generating Leads for nonprofits – Through the Science of Marketing


When we are talking about generating leads for nonprofits and your charity web marketing, it’s so important to understand the science of marketing. We will start with Facebook and how to better market on the social media giant website.

Facebook is the 800-pound gorilla of the social media space. The network has more than 1 billion active users around the world. Everyone is on Facebook: from the youngest to the oldest and from the geekiest to the most technology unsavvy. If you, as a marketer, had to pick only one social media channel to maintain a presence on, you ’d have to go with Facebook.

Old-school marketers just waking up to this reality have been quick to jump on the advertising bandwagon and fl ood Facebook with mounds of ads with low click-through rates (CTRs). Although the targeting functionality of Facebook ’s self-service platform is quite powerful, advertising should be a distant second in the Facebook marketing priority list.